Friday, 4. June 2004
Mom's Favourite Thing

My aunt from Phoenix was at Mom and Dad's, and my sister got out the guitar one afternoon. Mom and Aunt Reta sang together as little girls (Mom's on the left) and were at it again last week. Mom's in her glory when she's singing. She has a rich, sweet alto voice.

Today is my second day back home on the farm. It's been quite hot out but while we were away there was an inch or two of rain so everything has greened up beautifully.

I've been for two lovely long walks. There is something in the air that I can't identify but it's there every spring; I think it comes from the poplar trees, and it's intoxicating.

My emotions are not so close to the surface as they have been, but I did have a shitty sleep last night so have to be careful. I may think I'm handling things well but when you're waking up in the night with worries on your mind, you know you are still processing stuff.

I got up yesterday morning all calm and cool and went about the day trying to catch things up so I could get some work done, and then discovered a package that had come in the mail for me. I opened it up and found a lovely little bracelet that Stacia had sent, and that just threw me — the thoughtfulness and caring of it touched me so much that there were tears all over again.

So the emotions aren't buried too deeply, is what I am trying to say. I wanted to phone her last night and thank her, but knew I would be sure to start blubbering, so will have to email instead — for now.

People are so good. I know there are a lot of selfish people in the world, and there is a lot of shit going on, but the people I know personally are decent and compassionate and don't go around killing others. Maybe I've just been lucky so far.

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