Wednesday, 27. August 2003
Picture Picture

Pictures are going to have to tell the story.

Lawn Ornaments

These little darlings were right outside our kitchen window for almost two weeks! Great lawnmowers. And poopers.

Bird Bath

A sparrow was found floating dead in the water trough -- that old bathtub in the first picture. Then we saw a bird circling the tub’s edge over and over again, drawn by the lure of a cool drink. So I did the makeshift thing.
Martha Stewart, I ain’t.

The Farm

I took Chester with me the other day as I went on my usual stroll. He ‘heeled’ very well, so that my arm was not being pulled off by this rambunctious German Shepherd. But once we got to a certain point, he came to an abrupt standstill and refused to go further. I think he smelled that bear.

Walking Toward Home

So I didn’t argue with Chester. We turned around and walked back home.

My Lake

This is my favourite lake in the entire world. It is probably the only lake in central Saskatchewan that has such clear water. I don’t know that for sure. I only know that every other lake I've been to in this province has green algae in it. Not up north, of course -- but there, the lakes get deep almost the moment you step off the shore, and the water is much colder.

My Boy

That’s Barney, rubber boots and all. He’s into Falling Up by Shel Silverstein. Mom had it at her place in BC and, since she finds it so entertaining, she got it out and asked Barney to read aloud from it. He did, laughing as he went, and enjoyed himself so much she sent the book home with us.


We have had the beach all to ourselves this week! ‘Course, the air near the water has been too icy to go in, so I have been swinging (I love swinging -- what joy), Barney’s been skipping stones, and Don’s been marching around on the sand.

Corn for Supper

Since arriving back home, Barney accompanies me to the garden each day. He picks strawberries and rhapsodizes about all the food we have grown ourselves.
Yesterday morning he helped me make four more quarts of dill pickles.


"In the world you might be just one person, but to a person, you might just be the world.”
- not sure where I got this, but I like it

~~~ Kate

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August 2003
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What's My Story?
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