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Wednesday, 16. July 2003
Doin' it to ya again
Here’s the main office of the camp we left Don at last Friday. There was another stone building too, quite lovely. After leaving the boys down south, we drove cross-country for quite a few miles between pavement. Off the gravel road we were on, we spotted this road built by someone who “really wanted to get out to that field,” according to Farmbeau. No kidding. That had to take a lot of time and effort. The ambition of some people ~ It’s hot and sunny here again. But in the evenings, I almost always take a warm jacket with me, and since we’ve had rain, the ground is still wet when I head for a ditch or the garden. Walking in the garden right now is like stepping through foot-thick black sponge. I am not a fashion plate. Nor am I pregnant, or beer-bellied. Unless you believe the picture... But oh, it is so beautiful here. I took these pictures last week, the day after rain. This is looking west, toward town. I turn off to the right just ahead, and walk on “the hill,” which used to be one, they claim, but now isn’t. The hay bales are stacked in a long, round line out there, and beyond them, six horses in a pasture. This next picture is taken as I am on my way back to the road. I will veer off to the left before getting that far, and slip through the barbwire fence and into the garden. I tried to take a picture of the moon from out there one afternoon, but haven’t managed one I want to look at twice, yet. My paltry effort: I’m whacking you with pictures because otherwise by the time I do, they’ll be obsolete. The leaves will be a different colour. The cosmos will be blooming. We are leaving for two weeks, after all. Already I can hardly wait to get back. Besides, I'll have pictures of the majestic mountains to show you then, won't I? xoxoetc
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