Monday, 7. April 2003
Don't let anger run you

“You do not have to get mad every time you have a right to.” - Dr. Phil

I have never seen more than a minute of one of Phil’s shows, but the little bits I saw got me thinking and checking out his website. There’s lots of useful information there for people who want to change things in their lives.

I have no problem with the proliferation of self-help books and self-appointed gurus of life and love. They all preach the same things, don’t they? Know thyself, stand up for thyself, be true to thyself, take responsibility for thyself, quit whining and take action.

Human beings need to be reminded, over and over again, of things we already know. Important things, too. It’s amazing how wise perceptions and convictions seem to slip our minds as we fall back into old habits that don’t work, don’t make us happy, and never did.

As for the quote above, it fits my life these days. I observe myself feeling pissed off about some little thing said or done, and yet letting it go and focusing on what I want, rather than on my anger.

I don’t deny or repress the irritation, but neither do I run with it.


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