Friday, 4. April 2003
Cold In, Cold Out

This is Waldo, who was a house cat at South Forks until he took to voiding in the basement and was thrown unceremoniously out, for good. He has the most intense green eyes. Here he is sitting inside Don’s walker, catching some flakes.

Two kids home with coughs today, one with a running nose, both bleary-eyed and pathetic and I can’t stand it anymore, listening to coughs that make my own chest and throat hurt.

I am doctoring. Eucalyptus oil in a steamer in their room. Lemon juice and honey in hot water. Hall’s cough drops. Echinacea tablets (ran out of extract, which would be better). Oranges, oranges, oranges. Sleep, sleep, sleep. Drink, drink, drink. Wait.

Next I’ll be getting out my colour lamp and dosing them with green and yellow.

Cold inside, cold out. It seems strange to be hit by such cold outside again, in April, after the warm melty days we had. It’s only Zero, not 20 below, so I don’t know why it’s so frigid. Wind chill.

I stay indoors. Should go out and get fresh air, but don’t.

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