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Monday, 25. August 2003
Book Café
A Deadly Arrangement Sprinkled liberally with tidbits about life energy and feng shui, the art of placement, this book suffers from only two things: poor proofreading and poor editing. Or should I blame it on the author, who perhaps wrote flowing pithy prose that was butchered by an editor? Can't see it. But she wrote a lot that a good editor would have cut. The storytelling gets in the way of the story. I’m aware of the writer as I read. At this point, I don’t much care about any of the characters or what is happening to them. I just want to find out more about feng shui so I can do more than close my bathroom door and toilet lid for financial stability. But as I read last night, I debated whether even that was worth slogging through this pedestrian novel when I have more than a half-dozen unread treasures on my gateleg table in the office. Now I do, that is. The picture above was taken on the first day I set it up, before I covered it with books and tarot cards and more books. Note the mysterious white box. It has been filled with Hawkins Cheezies, Macintosh Toffee, Saskatoon Tea, and a set of my friend Ray's beeswax candles, and mailed to a kind benefactor. * *** ** *** ** *** ** *** ** *** ** *** * How about some real writing? We all come and go unknown Well I looked at the granite markers - Joni Mitchell, the song Hejira
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Intuitive Counselling through Tarot
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