Friday, 31. October 2008

Everett has been working on his Halloween costume for the party at school tomorrow. Care to guess what he is going as?

Emil figures he's too old for any of that malarky, so he's making his lunch instead.

I saw Hilary Swank on Ellen Degeneres this week. (I laugh out loud at Ellen, and even get up and dance. That woman is just plain openly goofy, and I love it. Wish I remembered to watch it more often, it's good for me.)
Swank is spreading the word about a program where, if you send in a ponytail 8 inches long, they can use it to make wigs for women who've lost their hair due to radiation/chemo. She said many women don't get treatment because they don't want to lose their hair. Isn't that sad, if our hair matters more to us than our lives -- but if it's true, I'm almost tempted to put up with longish hair for however long it takes (perhaps repeatedly) just to help them with this project. I have a gorgeous head of hair, if I say so myself. I mean, it's thick and shiny and I like the colour, even with the silver coming out. If it was in a wig, all cut and styled so you didn't have to fight with its stubborn straightness when you're inept at "doing" hair, as I am...

But I can't stand the thought of having longish hair these days. Even if it could help someone out this way ... hm, must consider ... am I willing to put my personal vanity and convenience second to helping others, daily for many months, while the hair grows out? I don't think so.

Hm. This from someone on the bone marrow donors list. That would mean a procedure under anesthetic, a few days of aches and pains, over and done with and a life perhaps saved. But the months of my hair having to be pinned back, pushed out of my face, caught under Scott's shoulder in bed, picked off the furniture and my clothing ... ugh, no, no! I can't do that again ...!

Such dilemmas.

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