Saturday, 7. June 2008
Rain Rain, Come Today

My sister Joan has won a photographer's award that she is tickled about; read about it here. She is fairly new to photography and she is self-trained, so an award like this is a pretty big deal.

Speaking of Joan, the first night at her place I spotted a spider in the living room. “Kill it!” she insisted, but instead I got a water glass and a piece of thin cardboard, turned the glass upside down over the insect, slid the stiff paper underneath it, and threw the beast out the door.
“Ew,” Joan said. “I’ll never be able to drink from that glass again, you know.”
I kept my “insect trap” on the living room coffee table all week in case of need, but there were no more intruders except for one honkin’ large wasp that came in when Jordan left the sliding screen door open. I looked at it, wondered how difficult it would be to catch, pulled the screen door wide open, and out it went.


It rained during the night and is still raining, so everyone in the area will be doing a happy dance. We have not had a serious rain here for a long time. I am still not finished putting annuals into the ground at Golden Grain Farm (as a matter of fact I worked at it last night till Scott called my cellphone to say supper was ready, at about 9 o'clock), and this means I won't be able to finish today, but maybe ... maybe tomorrow.

Scott claims he's going to take the day off and go to Kelvington to visit his grandmother. First he has to go to the other place and feed the chickens; then he wants to go to town to order siding for a customer; then I'll believe, when I see it, that he'll actually find no other work to do for the afternoon. I plan to go to Kelvington with him, as I need a gallon of honey from my supplier and would like to look at dressers for us and beds for the boys. They've grown out of their bunks, or Everett has; he's been sleeping on the living room couch for quite a few months already. I've been thinking we'll be moved any day, so will buy new beds then. But it's taking longer than I expected.

According to Scott, he is taking several days to work on the house this week. If that happens, a lot could be accomplished. Fingers crossed.

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