Friday, 30. May 2008

Survived the flights on Wednesday and drove home from Saskatoon Thursday. For some reason I was more nervous in the sky over mountains than over prairie. Quelle surprise. Perhaps a window seat is not the best idea.

Everything back here turned green during the week I was away. I walked to the new place after supper.

Before walking back, I went with Scott across the road to look at some of the cattle. He strolled among them in slow motion, reaching for their noses.

Alien cows. Who knew.


Joan and Gary were off to Vegas before I was out of bed the morning after arriving in Kelowna. It was just me and the kids at their place for the next four nights. On Saturday I took them to Dad and Grace's, where we spent the afternoon and had supper. Again I did not get a decent photo of Grace; just the top of her head, in one. Tsk. But anyway, she's a sweetie and Dad is smitten, and they're a very happy couple.

Ben, Dad, Jordan

The babysitting was not tough at all. It almost felt like a sort of retreat. The kids were angels, and the weather was fine enough to spend some time sunning on the patio.

The only beer I had all week.

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