Tuesday, 29. March 2005
Will Ya Still Love Me, Will Ya Still Need Me, When I'm 64?

~ Mom as Happy Birthday was being sung to
her. It looks like she could not help joining in ~

Tuesday 29 March 2005

Dad had bought an angel food cake at Mom’s request, and so I dug out two bags of frozen saskatoons picked along our driveway on the farm, and three bags of strawberries from the garden, to take with me. Then I drove to within a block of their condo before realizing I’d left the berries on the kitchen counter, and turned around and went back. It only takes six minutes, and it gave me a chance to listen to the cassette The Ugly Sisters made, with Steve and Carol, for Mom.

Yes, it’s done! Not that Steve is happy with it yet; he wants to do something more with it. Mom said it wasn’t long enough before she’d even listened to it, as we only filled half of the A side. “Don’t you know how annoying it is to be listening to a tape and have it quit in the middle?” she said.

“Quit yer complaining!” said I. “Once you’ve heard it, you might be glad it’s short.”

We need to find songs that Joan and Karen can sing lead on, and record those too. In this tape you hardly hear them. Our sister voices blend so that it often sounds like one voice when it is three. They both have ethereally sweet voices, and Mom would enjoy them just as much.

“Thanks for the tape,” she told me from her afternoon snooze, as I was leaving. “I’ll have a lot of fun with it.” This was during her third play-through. Isn’t that sweet. When she received a phone call from Mary Jo, she held the receiver up to the tape deck so MJ could hear.

Then there were the comments from the peanut gallery.

“I’m glad I didn’t go over there with you last night, if you were singing that kind of stuff,” our brother said. He’d declined my invitation to join us.
“Don’t quit your day jobs!” my brother-in-law said.

Cameron had to head for the airport right after lunch, so he’d come over and hugged Mom goodbye, and she sat and watched him go out the door.

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