Thursday, 10. March 2005
Okay, Today Felt Like Spring!

Wed., March 9, 2005
7 p.m.

Venturing out was rewarded by warmth and sweet smells, so I toured the yard and got some pictures of our shack.

The hot tub is behind the tall hedge, but we haven't got it up and running. Might not, either. It's noisy out there — the sound must bounce against the rock and magnify the traffic snarl — so that I can't imagine sitting out there and enjoying it much. Hot tub or no. And it sounds like I will soon be the lone adult in the house, so it would get even less use than otherwise.

What you're seeing here is the house as it looks from the street, except that the attached garage is not in the picture. Top floor windows, l-r: kitchen table, sink, living room. Middle floor (bottom not shown), far right: where my office is, but across the room.

It was a nice day to be out and around. We shopped for printer ink and groceries for ourselves, for pens and cards for Mom. Stopped in at their place for a quick visit before coming home to unpack the goods and get to work — I at the computer, S at a wine rack he's preparing to install. Mom was in bed but Dad said she was up all morning and feeling better than yesterday. A new medication schedule has been drawn up ever so neatly by Doctor Don (what Mom and I call him) and magneted to the fridge. Dad went over it with me to be sure I understand, because methodone is not a drug you make mistakes with. It's toxic. I'll be spending a good chunk of the next two days with Mom so Dad can go golfing. Look out, quilty things! I should make some headway there.

* / * / * / * / *

Yield and overcome
Bend and be straight
Empty and be full

~ copied from a book ~

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