Monday, 21. August 2006
Sunday 20 Aug 2006

Everett looking at this photo of a paint job on the front of a truck:
"Mom! That's you and Scott."



By John Milton

When I consider how my light is spent
Ere half my days, in this dark world and wide,
And that one talent which is death to hide
Lodged with me useless, though my soul more bent
To serve therewith my Maker, and prevent
My true account, lest he returning chide,
"Doth God exact day-labour, light denied?"
I fondly ask; but Patience, to prevent
That murmur, soon replies: "God doth not need
Either man's work, or His own gifts; who best
Bear His mild yoke, they serve Him best. His state
Is kingly; thousands at His bidding speed,
And post o'er land and ocean without rest;—
They also serve who only stand and wait."

(So that's where that last line comes from.)

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Wednesday, 16. August 2006
Wed 16 Aug 2006

Four brats:
Karen, Cameron, myself, and Joan

Uffda, it's dark out there today. I need to get out for a quick walk before water starts pouring out of the sky.

We've got Emil home from Camp Easter Seal, there are only two weeks till school starts, and I have yet to spend one hour at the beach this summer. Must remedy that.

But first -- a walk, and work. And if the cool grey clouds manage to maintain their hold on the day, perhaps some baking will be in order.

And that's my exciting life .... just pretty much the way I like it. Scott said to me recently something along the lines of "always" writing in my blog. I had to laugh. What does he imagine I do all day? I'm lucky if I find time to post an entry here once a week.

Email from Joan:

"I always tell Jordan that she needs to eat so she can grow bigger, etc. Yesterday we were at a Mac store getting a slurpy and there was this huge guy there talking to the cashier while we were waiting to pay. She tapped me on the leg, and said, with wide eyes....'Mom, how much did HE eat?' "

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Thursday, 10. August 2006
Wednesday 9 August 2006

On Monday afternoon, Scott and I had a rare opportunity to take a bike ride together. We’d only ridden about 10 minutes when he suggested we turn around and come home.

“Already?” I said, hoping to ride further down the road, but turning around anyway. We were returning on the same route we’d come, when we noticed the dog, Sara, wagging her tail and sniffing at something on the side of the gravel road. It was a tiny kitten, its eyes glued shut with infection.

I got off my bike and picked it up. It didn’t claw at me to make its escape, as many wild kittens will do. Scott tucked in his shirt and put the kitten inside, and we rode the rest of the way home and asked Everett if he’d like to take over its care and feeding. He agreed right away, and has been keeping it in a cardboard box outside. He calls the little kitten Houdini, because she is an accomplished escape artist.

“See?” Scott said. “There was a reason we turned around early.”

This evening it occurred to us that there might be more kittens out there, so we rode out on our bikes for a second look. We didn’t find any. The ditch is a strange place for kittens to be, unless — and it’s an ugly thought — some irresponsible pet owner dropped them off out there.

She’s a sweet little thing. Her eyes are getting slowly better, and she likes the dog.

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Saturday, 5. August 2006
Saturday 5 August 2006

~ evening storm cloud ~

8-year-old Boy Remembers Past Life as Fighter Pilot

James Leininger's parents want their 8-year-old son to have a great life -- his own life.
But for the past 5-1/2 years, the Louisiana boy has been reliving pieces of the life of another James -- Lt. James McCready Huston, a World War II fighter pilot from Uniontown who was killed near Iwo Jima more than 50 years before James was born.
At 2-1/2 years old, James began expressing aviation knowledge that surpassed not just a typical toddler's ability, but that of his parents.
The child began reciting a collection of information and had recurring nightmares about being shot down by a Japanese plane with a red sun on it.
Read the full story here.

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Thursday, 3. August 2006
Thursday 4 Aug 2006

~Joan (the baby one), Karen (the "chosen" one), Dad (wiped out one after the weekend, by the look of him), Moi (evil one, apparently), Cameron (bumboni one a.k.a. Uncle Bum), at family reunion near Cold Lake, Alberta~

It is too nice out to sit one more moment at this desk, where I've been working at my computer since 10 o'clock this morning. I'll leave you with this poem I came across this morning, not long after writing to Joan that I don't want to sell my present leisure time in order to purchase my future, or, to put it more simply -- I don't want to work twice as many hours now so I can save for retirement:

by W.H. Davies

What is this life if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare?

No time to stand beneath the boughs
And stare as long as sheep or cows.

No time to see, when woods we pass,
Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass.

No time to see, in broad daylight,
Streams full of stars, like skies at night.

No time to turn at Beauty's glance,
And watch her feet, how they can dance.

No time to wait till her mouth can
Enrich that smile her eyes began.

A poor life this if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.

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Tuesday, 1. August 2006
Monday 31 July 2006

~somewhere near the Alberta/Saskatchewan border~

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Wednesday, 26. July 2006
Wednesday 26 July 2006



i GOT A HAIR CUT TODAY. dID IT MYSELF . Looks pretty good . Ha Ha.
Bought some boxers today and pajama pants. And some cool jeans just about the same size as poppa,.
It's too hot to move . Ill write again .
Love ev


Heya Shnipsy,

Ah, that's why it's so hot here already! We always get Edmonton's weather the next day. I got up at 8:30 this morning and it was already cooking outside. The house didn't cool off during the night either. I am going to the lake later today to meet with the Likeminded Ladies for a potluck; maybe we'll go for a dip.

I wish Gord had a digital camera so I could see your haircut before Friday! What if I don't recognize you? Are you even handsomer now? Hard to imagine that is even possible.

Grandma is still in the hospital, she has fluid in or around her lungs, so isn't getting enough oxygen in her blood. If the fluid's not gone by tomorrow, the doctor is going to take it out with a needle. Reta has been staying with her at night, sleeping in a recliner by her bed.

We went to Lee Johnson's wedding reception and dance last night. Tell Emil we sat with Gerald and Joanne Bohl; also saw Auntie Karen and Uncle Dick there but didn't really spend any time visiting with them. It was so warm outside even at midnight that it reminded me of Kelowna evenings.

I was going to tell you, but forgot untll yesterday morning on my way to town when Sean Cullen's show came on. It's on Saturdays at 10 a.m. or so on CBC Radio and he is as goofy as ever! I was listening to him and shaking my head and thinking how much you'd be giggling if you could hear him, too. We'll have to try to remember, next weekend.

There is a little wren walking along the top of the sliding glass door leaned up against the house. A pair of them have been inspecting the deck closely for the past couple days.

Scott and I got the mountain bikes down from the loft last week and have been for a few short rides. I am looking forward to your return so we can go out together. Must also pick up Emil's bike from the school so he can ride around too.

I hope you guys don't bake in that condo today. If you are stuck indoors you can put a wet towel around your neck and pat your arms and face with it once in a while; the condensation helps cool your skin.

Have you seen Uncle Bum yet?



Fooled you! Poppa wrote the last letter!

Hmph! Tell Poppa he's not supposed to do your homework!

Did you honestly think that I would write a letter like that? You don't know very much about us at all!

Why not? What was in it that you wouldn't have written?

If it's true you get Edmonton's whether then it's not going to get any better. I don't think that is true in the winter though when it was hot here and extremely cold there.

It's not always true. But quite often.
Right now it is. Still very warm, even early in the morning.
Yesterday when it was hot around the yard here, it was beautiful at the lake. There was a gentle cool breeze there, even where the Likeminded Ladies were -- a block back from the water.

You're probably going to hate the haircut I got. It's a mohawk!

Yeah Yeah. Looks like I know you well enough not to believe that one.

Please don't yell at me in the next letter. I don't wanna go biking on that bike. The seat's too high and the handle bars are too low. It needs to get fixed so that I like it or I won't ride it.

Scott adjusted my bike's seat and handlebars and I can tell the difference even though he insisted it wouldn't matter at all. It's not perfect, because of the style of the bike --leaning forward is not a good thing for my neck and shoulders; I need an old-fashioned bike where you sit straight up -- but it is an improvement and we'll do yours when you get back, too.

Also if you do make me ride it I will hate you for the rest of the day as usual.

Oh dear. Please, not those Scorpio poison darts again!
You don't scare me. I just have to remember how, after I forced you to learn to ride a bike AT AGE TWELVE for heaven's sake and you thought I was so mean and you cried and whined like a baby, you rode the thing back and forth afterward for hours, and days, with a smile on your face. It was worth all your whinging and complaining.

At least you will have Emil to torture now too.

Why would it be torture? Emil loves riding his bike. It's more likely to be torture for ME because I'll probably have to slow down a lot so he can keep up.

Of course I've seen Uncle Bum. Do you actually think that I would be here this long and not see him? He's working again 'till Tuesday so I have to take care of his cat again. He said I can sleep in his condo this time as a reward. And maybe McDonalds. I told him he better take me to McDonalds or else he gives me money. I'm reinforced by Poppa. Wish me luck.

You drive a pretty hard bargain. Why is it a reward to sleep in Bummie's condo? Is it cooler? Does he have a better bed? What? Anyway, if I know Cameron, he'll take you to McDonald's rather than hand over any cash.

Well I think I'll get out for a short walk. It's already too hot to be out in the sun, but I need to stretch my legs before I start working at this computer for the next many hours.

Bye for now,
Mother Dumpling


subject line: your little snookie wookie pookie doo

Mommy Dearest,

Gee, Mom. Do you actually think I would have made all those spelling errors? I'm glad your not too senile to forget about my hairstyle. Actually, I saw Emil riding in the school and he went by kind of fast.



Oh! Maybe we'll have some good rides then.

Did you find out if Uncle Bum is going up to Cold Lake yet?

It's cloudy out this morning. I hope it stays that way.

I am getting some really nice strawberries again. Big.

Grandma should be getting out of the hospital today.

What have you been doing all week?


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Saturday, 22. July 2006
Saturday 22 July 2006

It is not unusual for me to burst into song as I walk or bike along a quiet gravel road. Quiet except for the birds singing their little hearts out all around, and me belting out "Heaven! I'm in HEAVEN!", that is. I'm just back from a lovely ride this morning; haven't been out for a couple days, and it's going to be a hot day, and I'll be busy later anyway.

My little Everett has fallen short of his end of the bargain -- the daily email -- in the past few days. I mean to get on his case about it, but haven't gotten around to it myself. Been busy. Aside from working on a time-limited special project requiring research, Grandma's been in the hospital for a few days -- the doc thinks she has angina, but -- well, more tests are being done -- and my Aunt Reta was out for an afternoon going through old photographs with me while Uncle Carl busied himself on the internet, catching up with his mail. That doesn't sound like enough to keep a gal busy, really, but it has. I also went to Kelvington for that routine test women have to have -- you know, the pap -- and that took another hour or two out of a busy afternoon. These things add up I guess.

Yesterday I spent an enjoyable morning with a whole crew of women who volunteered to chop fruit and vegetables and slice meat at the hall in preparation for another Johnson wedding, which takes place later today. We will eat really well, that's for sure.

One more week and I'll be seeing my kids again. It hardly seems like a month could be almost past, but apparently that's the case. Wow. And ewww, another long road trip -- up to northern Alberta this time, for a family reunion on Dad's side -- I just wish I did not have to go anywhere these days at all, though of course this will be an opportunity to see Dad and Joan again and that's always good.

I'll leave you with the week's correspondence:


Hello Mom.

I would like to remind you that YOU are shorty! The reason I havn't wrote you is because we went to the Feil Family reunion. Gotta go. Supper's ready.



Hiya Stinker,

I know you are taller than me. I keep forgetting! It might take me a year to really believe it.
I figured you guys must have gone to the reunion; it took me a while though, because I was thinking it was next weekend.
So, how was it?
Did your tent hold up all right? Maybe you and I should try out our new tent, after you get home. Like when Emil is at Camp Easter Seal or something. I think it has three rooms, or two.

Scott woke me up early to go with him to the pasture to move cattle, so I can bring the pickup back and he can carry on to Kelvington area with Benny to do some shingling.

Grandma hasn't been feeling good over the weekend; was vomiting and tired. Reta is taking her to the hospital this morning for some blood tests. Grandma was feeling better yesterday, but I didn't see her, just talked on the phone.

What are your plans for the week?


p.s. I had an email from Dennis Lakusta. You can see his photographs (I see nature spirits in them) by clicking around from here.


Hi Mom.

The reunion was fun. Poppa and I put up the tent. It said 4 people could fit in it. It must have meant 4 midgets. Only Poppa and Emil could fit in the tent, I had to sleep in the car. I had a not too surprisingly good sleep. Uncle Russ is planning to take me and Emil to lunch and then a movie tomorrow. I think we're going to watch Pirates Of The Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest.


Hi Shtoonkyboy
mwa mwa mwa

Sorry, but this made me laugh out loud! Too bad your dad didn't buy a bigger car, too... then you might have been more comfortable at least. Anyway, next year you guys will have to take our tent, obviously. Presuming it's what it's supposed to be. We've never set it up yet either, so we don't know for sure.

Pirates Of The Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest sounds good. Nothing that exciting going on around here today. I'm going to Kelvington for a doctor's appointment, then will see if Cara and Kade are home, and will stop in at Tanya's for a visit if she's not working. Lynn and Ryley are here all this week, but I haven't seen them yet except for Ryley out in the yard playing with Rebecca yesterday evening.

Have you found a haircut you like, yet? It's only a week and a half till I see you again, and if your locks are still shaggy ... well, I am not a very good hairdresser, but that's what you'll be in for ... donchajuslubme?

Kisses to Emil too

Hi Mom.

I think you misunderstood. Poppa folded down the seats in the car and I made a bed in it. Believe it or not, I got one of the best sleeps I ever had. It's 2:22 already and Uncle Russ hasn't phoned us yet so we're not sure if he's coming or not. I havn't found a hair cut yet and I don't really want to either but I guess I better soon 'cause I don't want you touching it at all. I went to the dentist and my teeth are good. It seems my wisdom teeth are coming. It's the same everey year. They always say, "Oh Everett, you have beautiful teeth!" all the way through. My dentist said it when she was looking at them and then another dentist came by, glanced at me and said, "Wow, beautiful teeth!" Did your dentists ever like you that much?



Oh well, that's good news then. We won't bother building another room when you grow out of your top bunk. You can sleep in the van.

Wisdom teeth already? Isn't that young for wisdom teeth? I don't think I got mine till I was in my late twenties. I never did have any on the bottom.

I had cavities as a kid and got fillings. You do have nice teeth. But I like you more than the dentists do, because I know that you -- and not just your teeth -- are beautiful all the way through.

I have been working at the computer all day, except for a short bike ride and a visit from Rebecca. Oh, and swatting flies. For the life of me I can't figure out how they get in here. People always say they come in when the door opens but the door hasn't opened very many times today and I have killed more than a half-dozen of the critters already.

What is Emil doing?
Did you guys ever get to your lunch and movie yesterday?

Lynn was sitting on the deck when I got home from Kelvington, and Scott got a lot of work done on it. Who knows, we might have a screened-in sunporch by the time you guys get home [fingers crossed]. I even pounded a few nails myself.


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Monday, 17. July 2006
Monday 17 July 2006


When Grandma's cat came back, he was a happy housecat for several hours. Then he forgot where the great-outdoors bathroom is and was consequently banished, nevermore to cross our threshold.

Now he rules the deck.

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Saturday, 15. July 2006
Saturday 15 July 2006


~dumping the dump-truck contents into the dump ~

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