Monday, 17. November 2008
This 'n' That

Mon 17 Nov 2008

Tore off another cheque at Karen's for some new Princess House dishes—cooking and serving platters and bowls— and nibbled at some delicious snacks before making my way very slowly back home yesterday afternoon. Seriously icy roads.

After supper I had finally had enough of herb and spice jars falling out of the cupboard and miraculously not breaking as I dig around for this and that, and took everything out, gave the shelves a wipe, and stuck everything back in neat 'n' tidy like. Somebody needs to come over and paint the doors so they can be put back in place, too.

Watched the Sex and the City movie last night after everyone else had gone to bed. Enjoyed it, but was appalled by the fuss Kim Cattrall’s character made when one of the four women friends hadn’t shaved or trimmed her pubic hair before putting on a bikini. Christ, you’d think a woman’s pubic hair in its natural state is an eyesore, an embarrassment. For a movie depicting supposedly mature and self-respecting women, this scene was a poor example of female empowerment – which would be better demonstrated by women who accept and respect their own bodies, and those of other women, As They Are, not as fashion dictates.

“Grow up; who do you think you are?” I wanted to say to Kim Cattrall’s character, almost 50 years old, as she berated her friend. She is assumed to be the most sexually liberated of the bunch, but I don't see it. She seems more a slave to her sexual desires than free in any way, and sadly shallow. More of a man's dream woman than a real woman, someone other women might aspire to be.

There's not much point getting into the values of these New York women, who drool at the sight of overpriced fashion accessories and wear some of the ugliest get-ups (well Parker does) I have ever seen, and wouldn't be caught dead in. They live in a mental world I left behind around the time I turned 20. I get a kick out of them anyway, these gals. More often than not it's because I'm laughing at them, but a laugh is a laugh, what can I say. Sometimes I'm laughing with them, for sure. I think of these four characters affectionately as city bumpkins.

In comparison, my life and concerns are absolutely fascinating, I know. Thanks to all of you who wrote with ideas about getting that duvet and cover to stay properly connected. At the moment, due to your suggestions, they are fastened together with elastic bands, which I hope will do the trick until I get somewhere to buy snaps. Once those are in hand, it could be another six months before I get around to sewing them in. Longer, if the elastics continue to do the trick.

Hey readers, you asked me to post more often. You didn't request that my entries be scintillating. Not that I could deliver, if you had.

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