Saturday, 28. June 2008
And Now the Boy is Twenty

So the years spin by and now the boy is 20,
Though his dreams have lost a lot of grandeur
coming true
There'll be new dreams, there'll be better dreams
and plenty
Before the last revolving year is through.

You said it, Joni.

In Emil's case, I can't say he has been disillusioned by life in any way. He retains his enthusiasm. Right now he is looking forward to attending a James Taylor concert in Edmonton with his dad in July, and Camp Easter Seal down at Manitou Beach in August. Oh, and a trip to visit Grandpa in Kelowna this summer, and Baby Ben, whom he hasn't seen yet.

Those who know "Grandpa" may be interested to know that he goes in for his double-hernia op on July 3. (In case Emil has forgotten to say so, Dad, thanks for the $100 and the birthday card.)


I have been enlisted to spend an hour in the barn this afternoon, filling syringes with anthrax vaccine for the cattle while the boys do what has to be done to the beasts. I am not often asked to help around the farm, as animal husbandry is not my cup of tea, so when I am called upon I set my distaste for it aside and go do what I can. Now to find my rubber boots.

An hour. Right. When Scott says one hour, it is bound to be two. I am not looking forward to this. Now, where did I put that clothespin for my nose?

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