Saturday, 12. April 2008
April is Poetry Appreciation Month

Here are a few of my favourites from Tom Walmsley's collection of poems, What Happened, published in 2007:

Night Blind

leaving aside the tree itself &
whether it was an act of progress
through rebellion or mutiny to
eat & know good & evil &
leaving aside possibilities of
patriarchal plots the
woman eve succumbing & corrupting
& leaving aside the nutty idea any of it
actually happened i say

isn't the point the
big point that he ratted her out that
he the man adam pointed the finger at
her & if she even the disobedient sidekick is
the true problem the sinner the cause of
the fall is that why it's been decided it
has been preached that ratting out isn't
nearly as bad as disobedience &

in some sermon somewhere the
point should be shouted that adam was
a genuine pussy & i think the lesson is
when you rat out your neighbour's friends
relatives strangers because it's a law-
abiding patriotic thing to do
then the rat &
the ratted are both banished to the
land of nod but only
one of you can hold up her head.

you bought a plant a prayer plant
6 inches tall that opened in
the day closed its leaves every night until
one night we fought about God you
the defense & me the prosecution &
nothing changed but the
prayer plant closed up its leaves &
never opened them again.


oh man i was born hungry &
now i'm starving trying to
stuff your whole body down
my throat on & on &
i am never full

did you think it was love?

i'll tell you what:
i don't care about your house or
servants or ox or donkey &
there is nothing you own i need.

i think i'll take your wife.

how do you like your salary & title
now how do you like the tennis court &
heated pool the sauna and the jet-ski your
sexy car & snappy threads your
many travels & famous friends how
did you like dating cheerleaders voted
most popular being the
coolest in school snickering
at me in sixth grade surrounded by
friends i was in a corner laughed
at by girls hey
neighbour your wife isn't laughing.

how do you like me now?

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April 2008
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