Friday, 10. August 2007
Friday 10 Aug 2007

All the news:

My lovely sons are back home again, we're getting a break from the heat, and gak! summer is more than half over.

The doctor also thinks that Scott has West Nile; the bloodwork was done Wednesday morning and we are still waiting for the results. Apparently he is not the only person in this area who is being tested for it.

We moved back into our queen-size bed in the basement last night and it was HEAVEN. I slept till 10 this morning (in spite of Scott having awakened me much earlier to give me a goodbye kiss before he left for work) and even then didn't want to get up, really. The basement is still torn apart and dampish but I had become uncomfortable on the loveseat here in my office so didn't have much choice. After only a few moments laying down, my feet were going to sleep from being either propped up over the upholstered arm, or having my legs bent.

We have put our new pet, Casper (affectionately nicknamed Fat Girl), on a diet. The self-feeding bowl that Shelly brought will no longer be kept full; the dog is now on generous rations given twice a day, instead. I hope that slimming down a little will eventually put a stop to her heavy panting when she accompanies me on walks. I have been ambling along much more slowly than usual so that the old girl doesn't go and have a heart attack on me. On the other hand, the benefit of her heaviness may be that it keeps her beside me rather than running far ahead, as the young dog does. It makes her better company.

Emil and I are off to Kelvington this afternoon for our massage appointments, and will look in on my niece and great-nephew if they are home, just a couple doors down. Or maybe we can catch my sister-in-law on a rare day off.

That's my exciting life, and I wouldn't change too much about it. Did I mention we will be moving next month? Scott and I are buying a house on 35 acres three-quarters of a mile north of this farmyard. There will be pictures galore before you know it.

Also, Everett is going to take his Grade 10 by correspondence. He and I are both happy about that— he because he has not liked the noise and pressure of public school since he left kindergarten, and I because I enjoy his presence around the place. We are talking about taking a weekly karate class together and of course he will continue with his piano lessons. I'll also organize regular trips to the school library for him. My one concern is that he will not have the opportunity to deepen his budding friendships with certain classmates with whom he feels some affinity; however, the freedom to study from home is more important to him. Maybe he can find other ways to socialize with kids his own age.

Now Playing: Steve Pineo, Coyote Song. Not my favourite on this CD; this collection of songs comes from an Alberta crooner whose tunes get me singing along at full volume.


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