Wednesday, 21. February 2007
Wed 21 Feb 2007

10:05 a.m. and I am trying not to use my right arm. That is pretty much impossible! Unless I totally keep away from the computer. Which I don't want to do. I have work I want to get done ... interesting articles, mostly biographies, that are a pleasure to tinker with and factcheck.

But for now, off I go to start a fire and get dressed and maybe wash the breakfast dishes and go for a walk and then over to the neighbours' to pick up eggs. All away from the computer.

Because Tylenol doesn't vanquish the pain. Because Scott's not home to rub Tiger Balm into my right shoulder blade, and that did help last night. Because a sling doesn't really seem to take the weight off, enough.

Today, if need be, I'll break out Mom's very strong anti-inflammatories. 600 mg or something; they mean business.

1:17 p.m.
Has it been 30 days yet? How will I know when to quit?


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February 2007
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