Thursday, 18. January 2007
Thurs 18 Jan 2007

Hi Cath,

Got hold of Jacenta, got my invitation yesterday, and Scott plans to come to Regina with me if we can find someone to spend the two nights with the boys. It'll do Scott good to get away, he's been so crazy-busy I don't know how he stands it. We have advance tickets for a concert in Wadena (Matt Anderson, guitar blues) on Sunday afternoon so had best come home sometime Saturday. I did call Jo to let her know not to include us in Saturday night plans.

I am still sitting here in my red flannel pyjamas, been working at the computer since 8:30 and it's 12:30 now. Today's my goin'-to-town day so I'd best bath and dress and pack my grocery list and hit the road. It's a full afternoon by the time I get mail, go to the bank, the recycling depot, the library, the grocery store, and finally to visit Grandma at the seniors' lodge. Everywhere you go you run into someone you know so none of these stops are quick ones. I aim to drive the six miles into town only once a week (doing my small part to fight global warming, eh) so by the time I've squeezed in all the errands I come home beat.

Have a mixed bean chili in the slow cooker, will steam a pot of brown rice when Everett (his piano lesson is today) and I get home, and that will be supper.

It looks like a gorgeous day out there, sunny and hovering right around 0 Celsius.

Hope you're having a fine day yourself, looking forward to seeing you. Is the reception fancy-dress or is casual attire going to be looked at askance? Wouldn't want to embarrass one of the two honoured guests!

X's and O's, babycakes,

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