Friday, 14. July 2006
Thursday 13 July 2006


Hi Mom.

Valleyview was good. Dominic's brother, Kale, doesn't say, "Erher!" anymore. He's starting to say things now. For example, I brought my video games there and he always wanted to play them but he knew they were mine so when he asked if he could play them he would say, "You papa?" Dominic has long hair now and Samantha, his sister, has short hair now. By the way, You forgot to capitalize Valleyview in your last letter. Also you should check your web page that your link sent me to. It's messed up at the bottom.


Hi Everett,

I checked my webpage, and it seems fine. Dunno what's going on. Thanks for letting me know though, just in case.
Guess what -- the wild raspberries are starting to come out around the yard.
Grandma and I went to Neil and Rose's today. Leanne has left her three kids there for the week and Jolene came out from Yorkton for the day with her little one; Carl and Reta were there having cake and ice cream when Grandma and I arrived, and Uncle Bruce too. I just got home at 7:30 and watched Coronation Street, then went for a walk. It's gorgeous out tonight; unusually calm. Had to set up the new fan in your bedroom in order to sit here at the desk, because it's so warm in the house. I am sitting here in my underwear!
Grandma came out Sunday afternoon and was glad to see her cat.


Haha! You have to sit around in underpants! It's nice to hear that grandma and the cat have been reunited. We had progies and hotdogs and Kraft Dinner and lemonade for supper. Now that's what I call a good supper. Emil finally played a video game with me after half a year, then Poppa played Crash Team Racing with me and then quit after two races. We watched Scary Movie 2 after that. Now I'm writing this letter. I gotta go Family Guy is on.



Oh my, what an exciting life you lead.
It's hot as Hades here today. I have the new fan blowing directly on me.
I guess I should go check the strawberries. Might be some nice ones ready.


Hi Mom!

So, your into Hades eh? Well mabe you should meet him and you two could date.
Good luck.



Yeah, I really need another man to put up with. I don't think so!

Watched the news last night, they had a story about two sisters who as a joke mailed a wiener back and forth to each other for 54 years. 54 years and the thing had dried up a bit but still wasn't rotten! It brought up the question, What do they put in wieners, that they don't decompose for 54 years? Are they plastic? Is it really safe to eat them? Naturally I thought of you, wienerboy.

A loud clap of thunder woke us up in the wee hours of the morning and it is still raining, which I am glad to see. My flowers will be happy. As waterlogged as the ground was in June, it had dried up pretty fast in the heat of the past few weeks. Maybe this will kick the strawberry patch into gear again. I've only been getting about a cupful, if that, every two days.

What plans have you guys got for this week? I hate to admit it, but you've only been gone 12 days and I'm already starting to miss you. Been thinking about what we should do when we go to Manitou Beach this year. Don't want to stay at the place we rented last time -- remember, the bedroom in the basement? -- or a little room on the main road, like that other little hotel we looked at -- but would like to maybe rent a cabin for the night or something. Any ideas? Or maybe you and me should come back here and put up our new tent (and screen tent) at the lake for the whole week, just spend lazy days wading in the water and eating sunflower seeds and reading. What do you think? I could get into that, if there were any decent camping spots left at our flooded lake.

x's and o's, Shorty.

p.s. Forgot to tell you, Julie said Andrew and his friend thought you reminded them exactly of a friend of theirs who had moved away -- you talked and acted just like him.

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July 2006
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