Thursday, 12. June 2003
Lady of Leisure

6:35 p.m.

Putting off a counterful of dishes. Just ate grilled cheese and onion sandwiches (among slightly other things) for supper, and now need to set a spell before I stand at the sink for an hour.

OOF. Excuse me.
I dug my only Tena Arena CD out of the desk drawer and put it on, and then couldn’t keep from singing at the top of my lungs and getting up to dance around the office.

So much for needing to sit.

Okay, so I’m just putting off the dishes.


Farmbeau came in late this morning as I was about to step into a tub of warm water. He parked his jeans on the toilet and sat there chatting to me and reading the farm classifieds while I washed my hair and soaked. When I was all toweled off and wrapped cosily in my fluffy blue housecoat, parked at the computer to google the angles on homeschooling, he came and dragged me off the chair, onto the floor, and then down to the bedroom.

I didn’t fight too hard. Oh no. That would be foolish.


Barney was dishing up ice cream cones the other day, and squealing in frustration when he wasn’t having the success he desired. So I said Well then, you’ll just have to practise every day till you get good at it. There’s been quite a run on the ice cream since then.


While in the tub this morning, the neck thing started to come on. I had eaten toast and scrambled eggs for breakfast, so it couldn’t be blamed on low blood sugar or lack of protein. Farmbeau thought a good dose of luvvin should remedy it, but even the double dose he generously administered didn’t help. After he left for work, I toasted a multigrain bagel and ate it with honey, but the neck remained the same.

I headed for the garden, the last of the bag of wildflower seed with me, and sowed two more rows of flowers. It was while I was watering them that I noticed the neck discomfort ebbing away, and by the time I arrived back at the house with the empty watering cans, it was gone.

If I didn’t know better, I’d guess gardening is the remedy.



I swear that is a deer track, smackdab in a stone circle marking wildflower seed. Tips of new corn have been nibbled off.


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